Waverly, Virginia Roadblocks

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Rt. 40 in Waverly

Waverly, VirginiaJun 03, 2013

On Thursday, May 23rd, 2013, the town of Waverly, Virginia conducted a “Seatbelt” check where every car was stopped, and interrogated. Me and my girlfriend both had our seatbelts on and both had valid ID’s but were told to pull off. After threatening to “tear my car apart” with dogs, I begrudgingly consented to a search. After pulling everything in the car out onto the side of the road, the officers found nothing and we were told that we could go. During the roughly 30 minutes of the search, my girlfriend and i were treated extremely poorly with officers accusing and antagonizing us in every way they could. Very unprofessional, rude, and over zealous law enforcement, to say the least. Officer S…… was the one name that stood out due to his comments (amongst others) about my girlfriend and i looking like “junkies”. I have never used illegal drugs and while i wanted to verbally defend myself against this steroided-out body builder (bulging veins in his head and all) I knew that any terse reply would have likey provoked officer S…… very obvious anger and possibly violent retribution. Quite a scary encounter with the police, please use caution if traveling through Waverly!

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