Virginia Beach, Virginia Roadblocks

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shore drive

Virginia Beach, VirginiaFeb 21, 2016

2/20/2016 …westbound 10:30pm …..dui checkpoint involving multiple police cars

Nimmo pkwy.

Virginia Beach, VirginiaJan 17, 2015

Cars being stopped on Nimmo pkwy.

norfolk ave.- ocean pebbles

Virginia Beach, VirginiaJul 06, 2013

Stopping Drivers from Oceanfront – cones, cops and lots of blue lights. I was coming from the other direction and did not get stopped.

Great Neck

Virginia Beach, VirginiaDec 31, 2012

Jason Marcs just reported a road block at great neck on 10 on your side.

sandbridge road

Virginia Beach, VirginiaNov 22, 2012

sandbridge road

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