Leesburg, Virginia Roadblocks

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Evergreen Mill Rd just south of Rt 15

Leesburg, VirginiaMar 01, 2010

This is the second Road Block in the area in the past 2 days. They stop everyone going both directions and ask to see license. Nothing else. They then proceed to tell you to "move on". The officer today told my wife to "Get used to this as it’s going to be happening a lot more".

Route 7

Leesburg, VirginiaJan 01, 2006

Was questioned but not pulled over to be checked. I’m always commuting from work several miles from Virginia to West Virginia and anxious to get home to my family. The use of MADD representatives hand out ribbons and fliers while the police try to justify their jobs during the congestion. Majority detained are minorities and impressionable young adults.

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