Fauquier County, Virginia Roadblocks

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Route 17(Winchester rd.). North of Route 66 Exit 23

Fauquier County, VirginiaDec 06, 2014

Drove through at 10:30pm. 6 police cars several citizens were detained. 3-4 officers were in the road with flashlights demanding papers. This is the 2nd roadblock at this location in the last 3 months. They seem to conduct these on Friday nights.

Off I-66 exit 18 ramp to Leeds Manor Road & rte 55

Fauquier County, VirginiaJan 17, 2014

State Police checkpoint for license, registration, and vehicle inspection sticker. Checked cars coming off the I-66, exit 18 ramp that would want to then get on rte 55, John Marshall Hwy. Also checking both ways on John Marshall Hwy. They had parked police cars along these three paths with lights flashing. If you are taking I-66W and exiting at exit 18, you can either a) go straight and catch the ramp back onto I-66W, or b) hang a right on Leeds Manor Road away from the roadblock. Also, there is good visibility from the freeway, such that you can see it ahead of time and not get off the freeway. Sightings on 12/2013, and 2011

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