St. Albans, Vermont Roadblocks

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US Route 7 (south and north)

St. Albans, VermontSep 01, 2010

This "sobriety" checkpoint is conducted in St. Albans on Route 7 (north and south) on North Main st., right in front of the Hungerford Building and Go-Go Gas.

There are at least 15 cops there and they have usually have a viscious German shepard dog barking at you while you are stopped and questioned. When you are stopped, you are asked to show your "papers" (DL, insurance, registration) and while you are getting those for the cop, there are 2-3 other cops walking around your vehicle and looking in.

These unprofessional cops are NOT nice and they are very cocky, rude and arrogant. It looked like a scene 1939 Nazi Germany. Americans better wake up soon and see what their country is becoming because it’s going to get worse. Know your Constitutional Rights!

These checkpoints are NOT just for sobriety! They are "show your papers" checkpoints! Are these the kinds of "freedoms" are U.S. troops are fighting and dying for overseas? Yeah, right..ok. It makes me laugh when Americans say their troops are overseas fighting for our "freedoms" Americans better wake up soon. Soon, the entire 4th Amendment will be gone and they will be "checking" our homes.

S. Main St. (between Freeborn St. & Cadillac Motel)

St. Albans, VermontApr 01, 2009

This so called "sobriety checkpoint" has been held many times on S. Main St. between the Cadillac Motel and Freeborn St. It’s usually held between the hours of 7pm and 10pm and the VT State Police out of the St. Albans barracks conduct it.

I have gone thru these checkpoints many times and the VT State Police are very rude, cocky, arrogant and very nosey. They are Nazi Gestapo like and they shine their flashlights all thru your vehicle and 2-3 of them walk around your vehicle. They usually ask where you have been and where you are going…and, I usually tell them it’s really none of their business.

I do answer their usual questions about sobriety, etc. It is none of their business about peoples personal life and you DO NOT have to answer their questions about where you have been, etc. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! LEARN YOUR RIGHTS! I have a friend that lives in a home right in front of where they conduct this checkpoint and we sat out on the porch smoking a cig. one night during one of these checkpoints and could hear everything to VT state police were chatting about.

It was all male troopers, and when they let a car pass, they would comment on a womans weight and appearance, etc and laugh about it, etc. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL! Americans need to wake up soon and learn and know their rights. God Bless the USA, because we need the blessing! AMERICANS WAKE UP!!!!

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