Rutland, Vermont Roadblocks

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Rt 7 South Main st

Rutland, VermontOct 09, 2018

Sheriff & Rutland city police are stopping vehicles under the premise of checking infant car seats.
Right in front of the dollar general store.
They are busy today

Route 133, West Rutland, right before the bridge

Rutland, VermontJan 02, 2012

About 12 cruisers and many State Troopers set up a road block with Stop signs on both sides of the road on Route 133. It happened on New Year’s Eve. Just before the bridge and before you take the right turn to go to the Price Chopper. They were checking to see if we had on our seat belts and to see if anyone had been drinking. The time was about 8:30 pm.

Route 7 in front of the 99 restaurant

Rutland, VermontApr 01, 2007

This so called "sobriety" checkpoint is usually conducted here twice a month or more. It’s usually set up on Route 7 south in front of the 99 restaurant and the glass company. It’s so sad to see this happening in America. I’m terrified for my children have to grow up in this emerging police state.

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