Orange County, Texas Roadblocks

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I-10 east bound (near LA state line 10-20mi)

Orange County, TexasNov 01, 2007

This is NOT a actuall block of I-10 east, what happens is that the west bound lanes 5-10 miles away from the police pulling over anyone, for anything, sits over 20 police cars and over 20 tow trucks – all running with lights on, sitting in the west bound lanes of i-10, to the point were you have to go around them in the median.

They are waiting for the police on the east bound side to call for search, drug dogs, or towing (usually to impound a car, due to someone’s arrest.) The east bound lanes will have police on the side of the road where one is seen with lights on or off about every 1/2 to 1 mile, for at least ten miles.

*Note: even if you have nothing to hide, I would NOT recommend giving consent to search at all. This area is know for drug traffic and that is what they are mostly looking for. Do not be surprised to get pulled over and searched for something as minor as the light over your license plate being out OR DIM.

Then a few miles later you may be pulled over again for the same thing and asked for consent to search. If this happens to you, I would NOT recomend giving consent, If you do, your vechile WILL be taken apart by any means neccessary (i.e. cop with utillity belt full of bits, drill, screwdrivers, ect.)

This will also usually result in the use of a K-9. The police there have also been known to plant drugs in the vechile on the first stop, then find them and arrest you on the second stop. This does not go on every night, but if you hear anything about "Taking back the highways", or "Cleaning up the gulf coast" you should be on high allert for the above mentioned activities.

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