Houston, Texas Roadblocks

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59 South at Bellaire

Houston, TexasDec 01, 2006

This roadblock is set up at the north u-turn lane under the freeway, usually during afternoon rush hour. Officers will sometimes flag motorists waiting at the stoplight to pull into the u-turn lane, or sometimes they will just watch people actually making a u-turn.

There is usually about two or three vehicles parked in this lane while the driver is given a ticket, although it’s not uncommon to see a vehicle being searched. When this roadblock is set up it usually backs up feeder traffic all the way to Westpark.

If want to make a u-turn at this intersection or exit and turn left on Bellaire then the best thing to do is actually turn right on Bellaire, go outbound a couple of blocks then u-turn and go back under the freeway. Try to stay in the left lane as you go back under the freeway (which will put you in the middle of the street and away from roadblock.

Police won’t step in front of moving traffic on a busy street in Houston (or if they do, they won’t do it long because one of them will probably get hit). This roadblock usually goes up toward the end of the month which makes me wonder if there are ticket quotas.

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