El Paso, Texas Roadblocks

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Patriot FWY by 7/11

El Paso, TexasDec 16, 2019

DUI Checkpoint

Talbot after alderte middle school between outlet mall

El Paso, TexasJun 18, 2015

As I was dropping off my son at aldarete middle school 8:10am

62 East

El Paso, TexasNov 03, 2013

They have the cones set up forcing everyone off the road.

Hwy 62/180 west bound after hudspeth co. line

El Paso, TexasOct 24, 2013

This is a boarder patrol check point. Had no problem getting through but word to the wise if you are traveling through el paso and you have something to hide there is no way that I found to get out of the city without going through one of these.

Belvidere and Restler

El Paso, TexasFeb 25, 2013

Right after turning onto Belvidere. It was hidden by the hill.

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