Alvin, Texas Roadblocks

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Intersection of Dixie Farm Rd. and Hwy. 35

Alvin, TexasJan 19, 2014

The notorious Pearland PD will setup a Narcotics checkpoint at this intersection at least once every few months. They will randomly flag 2-3 cars at a time into a search area on the side of the road. Typically they are setup on the Northbound side of the Hwy stopping motorists coming into Pearland from the Alvin area.
There will be a large electronic sign about a quarter mile before the checkpoint warning of the checkpoint. They will persue you if you pull off or try to turn around. If you are pulled into the checkpoint refuse their request to search your vehicle without probable cause or a warrant. Pearland Police Dept. Are a revenue driven police force. They are notorious for random stops without cause in an attempt to generate more money for the city.

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