Memphis, Tennessee Roadblocks

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385 at Kirby

Memphis, TennesseeNov 13, 2015

They have several lanes blocked off funneling people into the roadblock – people were turning off at Riverside but you could see them stopping people.

Park Ave @ Getwell Rd.

Memphis, TennesseeJul 16, 2013

DUI checkpoint with conveniently located K9s

Airways Between Winchester and Shelby Drive

Memphis, TennesseeNov 01, 2007

This is usually set up on New years Eve new years day and every other holiday I can think of!! Airways and Nellie road I believe! I got a seatbelt ticket.

Macon and Whitten intersection

Memphis, TennesseeDec 01, 2006

Gave seat belt ticket although I was in WalGreens parking lot and next to check point. They marked location on ticket as intersection of Macon and Whitten. Told me that not wearing a seat belt was a sign of "gang activity".

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