Rock Hill, South Carolina Roadblocks

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intersection on hwy 5 by Bowater

Rock Hill, South CarolinaNov 30, 2014

State troopers at the 3 corners, stop people from all directions.

On Hwy72/Albright Near Merge with Hwy 21

Rock Hill, South CarolinaSep 18, 2014

road block set up on highway 72/Albright where it merges with Hwy 21. In front of Bi-Lo, Papa John’s Pizza, and chicken shack.

exit 83 off ramp towards york/new port

Rock Hill, South CarolinaApr 10, 2014

All cars are being stopped as they exit the I 77 ramp 83 for the holiday booze it and lose it summer kick off!

161 & 321 & Interstate

Rock Hill, South CarolinaSep 01, 2008

Most vehicles were checked during this roadblock.

Hwy 324 and Gordon Rd and Cameron Rd

Rock Hill, South CarolinaMay 01, 2008

The police were there after dark, State Trooper at all 5 corners, lights on, stopping everyone to see drivers license, and the person in front of me got a ticket for something, andother car was pulled off the road.

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