Gaffney, South Carolina Roadblocks

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floyd baker blvd.

Gaffney, South CarolinaOct 03, 2013

About every weekend usually late night checking dui license insurance tag matching registrattion and drugs coounty city and hwy patrol at kfc and firehouse subs be careful late nights fridays and saturdays mainly have set up some weekday nights

Filter Plant Rd

Gaffney, South CarolinaOct 01, 2011

Roadblock was around 11pm.

Hwy 29 in front of Hamricks Clothing Store

Gaffney, South CarolinaMay 01, 2008

Many state troopers including the Cherokee County Sheriffs Department team. They ask to see Driver’s license, regisration, and proof of insurance. They wanted to make sure that my registration matched my tag… And too, sobriety.

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