Anderson, South Carolina Roadblocks

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Salem church road and McGee rd.

Anderson, South CarolinaFeb 20, 2013

10:00 pm

intersection Flat Rock rd and Hayes rd

Anderson, South CarolinaAug 31, 2012

Aug 11, 2012 aroung 10 pm….hwy patrol

Whitner St at Poppa T’s

Anderson, South CarolinaApr 13, 2012

City police roadblock

Boyd St

Anderson, South CarolinaApr 13, 2012

County roadblock on Boyd St – this is the cut thru road from Market St that comes out beside the Happy Store

Gossett St in front of Carolina Scrap yard

Anderson, South CarolinaJan 01, 2004

Set up at the end of North St in front of Carolina Scrap Yard. Two or more city police sit at to of hill waiting for individuals who turn before check.

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