Aiken, South Carolina Roadblocks

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Licenses check

Aiken, South CarolinaJan 17, 2019

Hwy 19 near Mayfield Rd in Aiken SC

Ascauga Lake Rd 1/2 mile west of Chalk Bed Rd intersection

Aiken, South CarolinaFeb 22, 2015

Feb 21 2015 approx 10 PM to midnight. License check but also asking where your coming from/going to and if you had anything to drink. A “yes” answer obliges you to pull over and perform a round of “stupid human tricks” a.k.a. field sobriety test. Pass those and they let you go. Fail and you get the breathalyzer test and might even win a trip to the county hotel. From what I hear this is a fairly common site for the roadblocks but first time I have seen it.

intersection of Beaverdam Rd.& Wire Rd. Seigler’s Crossroad

Aiken, South CarolinaOct 19, 2014

the roadblock was set up around 10:30 and is continuing to present time…county, state troopers, city all out there at least 20 cars

Whiskey Rd near Hopeland Gardens

Aiken, South CarolinaMay 03, 2013

12:00 am

421 the valley in front of harrison hardware

Aiken, South CarolinaNov 08, 2012

The police were sitting on Hillman dr at 421

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