The intersection of McDaniels Dr and Commons Dr South

Jacksonville, North CarolinaDec 13, 2012

The intersection is a ‘T’ intersection. There were approx 6 JPD vehicles present and officers were standing in the middle of the streets in all 3 directions physically flagging people to a halt at the 3-way stop signs. As I stopped behind the 4 vehicles in front of me (at the stop sign), an officer walked up to my vehicle. I had my window up and was not asked to lower it. I lowered it after making the officer stand at my window for a second. The female officer then ordered me to produce my drivers license stating
“I need to see your drivers license.”
No ‘please’, no ‘Sir’ not even so much as an hey a**hole I want to see your license NOW’
I politely asked her;
Again she said “I need to see your drivers license.”
Again I said;
As she started to speak again I could see that she was getting irate on top of already being rude, discourteous, and arrogant, so I asked;
“Is this a drivers license checkpoint or something?”
She said “yes blah blah blah…”
There were no announcements about this drivers license checkpoint, there were no signs in the vicinity of the ‘event’ designating it as a drivers license checkpoint, just a bunch of thugs standing around rudely pulling people over and demanding their ‘papers’ with no probable cause and nothing about ‘DUI’ checkpoints.
I handed her my license and she looked at it, looked at me, handed it back to me and waved me on. I could see her in my side-view mirror making some ridiculing remark to one of the other officers who then looked in my direction and made some stupid face.Yes, they were both female.
This occurred at approx 1700 hrs EST.
I called the local police dept to politely make a complaint, AND THE DESK SERGEANT HUNG UP ON ME!!!!!

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