SW Jackson and Broadway (PSU)

Portland, OregonNov 17, 2011

This was a DUI checkpoint which I hear is very rare in Oregon? The whole setup was pretty shady. The driver of our car was pulled over and DOES NOT DRINK. Naturally the driver was subject to harassment (driver being a female) and a battery of sobriety tests once the officer had realized he had made a mistake. I was on the fence about these sort of roadblocks before this experience and now I realize that they are a racket used by the local police departments to make cheap money and to get off on harassing local citizens without any probable cause. It truly is a violation of some pretty basic civilian rights and after this I really will do anything in my power (i realize thats not much) to discourage/prevent any officers being able to pull over young females in the dark, unsupervised, for no reason other than “they can cause they felt like it.” Very unsettling. Score another for the Portland police! Your making all kinds of friends these days! Super scary. I hope some folks see this post and avoid roadblocks and Portland Police altogether.

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