Pangburn bridge on Hwy 110 or intersection of Hwys 110 & 16

Pangburn, ArkansasDec 31, 2014

Usually in the evenings, almost every holiday and any other stepped-up traffic law enforcement period. Arkansas State Police in conjunction with the White County Sheriff’s Department establish this roadblock all the damn time, usually to check for seatbelt violations and suspended or revoked driver’s licenses (so they say), but in the dozen or more times I’ve hit one of these roadblocks they ask every time about drugs and alcohol, so draw your own conclusions. I live very near these two locations (they’re about a half-mile apart), and have twice been chased down and stopped for turning onto my street (before reaching, but in sight of the roadblock). Both times I was on the side of the road for more than half an hour being accused of intentionally avoiding a roadblock and repeatedly asked what I’m trying to hide and why I avoided the roadblock–this, even after handing over my driver’s license so the officers could plainly see that I was going home.

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