Off I-95 going east on Route 30 before State Fair

Doswell, VirginiaJul 01, 2010

I was 22 years old and had forgotten to register my car by June 30th, was stopped by a roadblock on my way home from work on July 3rd after 12 a.m. (I work at a restaurant). They ran my license and I found out that Virginia’s DMV had suspended my license for too many points; DMV failed to notify me in any form (mail or email or phone).

The officer asked me if he could search my car. I said "yes" as I did not know of anything illegal in my car and I was actually scared by this officer. Since the car was not legally registered and my license was suspended unknowingly by DMV, they made me pay for their own towing service ($250) to take my car to their impound lot over 30 miles away on the southside of Richmond, VA.

I asked if I could call AAA and have it towed to my home, which was only 6 miles away. Not allowed. I went to court after hiring an attorney…(expensive), charges were dismissed and reduced to did not have license on me. The strange thing was that the Prosecutor had to say I was a single motorist stopped by the police for suspicion while traveling on I-95. They cannot say they used a roadblock in the court of law. Doesn’t that seem strange?????

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