NB I-95 and CR 708 (Bridge Rd.) MM 96

Hobe Sound, FloridaOct 17, 2013

Checkpoint alert posted on I-95 NB, just before Hobe Sound exit #96. Electric signs announce use of “Drug Dogs'” and inform that “All illegal drugs will be seized.” Motorists can exit onto CR 708 (Bridge Rd.) just before the checkpoint, no “U-Turn” is available on I-95. Should motorists exit onto CR 708, a two-lane rural road, they may travel East or West. Only after having exited I-95 will several Martin Cty. Sheriff’s vehicles on both East and West bound CR 708 become visible, suggesting a certain feeling of entrapment. Can only report East-bound CR 708 experience, where Sheriff’s vehicles are seen on E/W CR 708 intersection and, at several points, half a mile to a mile apart, east-bound on CR 708 (Bridge Rd.) which leads to Hobe Sound at intersection of CR 708 and US-1, approx. 6-7 miles. I’ve seen many cars “flagged-over” on CR 708, reasons unknown.
I’ve seen the “Drug Checkpoint” about every three months, at the same spot on I-95, usually setting up at about 5:00 pm, operating until 9:00/10:00 pm. This traffic stop routinely backs up NB traffic for miles, sometimes back to the Jupiter/Okeechobee exits at MM 87A and 87B.
Should you go through the “checkpoint,” sheriff’s deputies will ask for ID, give your vehicle interior the once-over, and a “drug-dog” may circle your vehicle.
I avoid the checkpoint, not because I’m holding, but because this outrage, this police-state BS enrages me, and I’m not playing this game with hill-jack, Martin County sheriff’s deputies. Know your rights citizens.

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