Legion Road

Ellijay, GeorgiaNov 07, 2012

25% of Ellijay roadblocks (April-June) happened on Legion Road where the only business is the American Legion. At check point an officer asked where I was coming from (he already saw) so I stated “The American Legion.” He then asked if I was a member there and when I said yes he had me pull off the road where he wanted me to perform a “field test.” I declined as I am a disabled veteran. He did the “eye test,” and said it showed intoxication. I had had one 12oz beer in 24 hours. He requested ballon test, which I declined telling him I would only take a breath test if under arrest. When I asked if I was free to go, he relunctantly agreed. Later occured to me that I have monovision and wonder if that was why the eye-test did not work, or if he was just lying about it.

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