Hwy 60 in front of Marion Mining Bolt

Marion, KentuckyJul 01, 2002

I don’t drink nor do I partake in any illegal drugs. I was stopped at a road block at the above stated location on Friday evening of the 2002 Memorial Day Weekend I had to wait more than a 10 minutes to get to speak to an officer who sited me for not having my 2 year old in a seat belt.

I would have belted him while I waited but I thought I had belted him in. My 7 year old son and I were buckled. I would never intentionally not buckle my little one. But this time my 2 yr old decided to climb into his seat by himself so I turned to do something and just forgot to buckle him.

I feel that the road blocks for checking license, belts, insurance, etc. is an invasion of privacy. I could understand if law enforcement was trying to apprehend a known convict loose in our community but this is not right. In my small community I have lived here for about 1 year and have been through at least 5 road blocks.

I have been told that our small community is 2nd in the state for dui’s ….. no wonder they set up just across the river from IL where everyone crosses on a ferry and checks everyone.

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