City Limits

Santa Monica, CaliforniaNov 02, 2011

DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints
posted Nov. 2, 2011, 3:57:00 pm
Mirror Staff (

A $158,000 grant has been awarded to the Santa Monica Police Department to continue holding DUI/driver’s license checkpoints throughout the city during the next 12 months.

The grant is from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Santa Monica Chief of Police Timothy Jackman said, “The grant activities will specifically target motorcycle safety, DUI offenders, drivers with suspended or revoked licenses, red light running, speeding, and seat belt violations. This will be done through the use of DUI/driver’s license checkpoints and special enforcement operations.”

DUI/driver’s license checkpoints are a key component of the grant.

These highly-visible, widely-publicized events are meant to deter impaired driving, not to increase arrests.

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