Buckhead Area & the Avenues behind and along Peachtree Street

Atlanta, GeorgiaFeb 15, 2012

Last Friday, a roadblock was set up at the intersection of Pharr Road and Pharr Courts South and North. Set-up took 30 minutes and the actual roadblock lasted 10 minutes……Several arrests were made and drivers were taken away. Rather strange (10 minutes?) but I did some asking around and did some checking on Youtube and the internet. I learned that since Buckhead is a big party area on Friday and Saturday nights, it seems the police “rotate” roadblocks to various intersections throughout the night at various intersections on those streets “off the main drag” that are taken by drivers to keep out of sight from the law. Unfortunately, the police are “wise” to this and set-up and rotate multiple roadblocks to catch DUI drivers or anyone drivng without insurance or registration. I am sure that cell-phones being used to alert friends also has a role in this. I have no qualms with keeping DUI’s off the road but the time and effort expended in this quest surprises me. Atlanta has one of the highest crime rates in the nation, Georgia has over 1.5 times as many roadblocks as California and California has 4 times the population. Don’t the police in Georgia have anything better to do? Sadly, its all about revenue…..

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