68th Place (Right in front of the high school)

Merrillville, IndianaMay 01, 2002

They’ve been setting up these roadblocks all over Merrillvile for the last few weeks.

Today I was driving out of the high school and was stopped at the roadblock. I had my seatbelt on as did my passanger. I choose to wear my seatbelt under my left arm (instead of across the shoulder) because I feel like it restricts my movement. Personally I feel the right to wear the seatbelt is the choice of the individual because it can help as much as it can harm, but I wear it anyway because stupid as it is, it’s the law.

I was still cited as "No seatbelt (improper usage)" and will be required to pay a $25 fine in the next month. We’ve had more that 10 cars seriously damaged in the high school parking lot in a month and a half timespan. Why don’t the police spend a little more time finding the people behind the break-ins and a little less time harassing law-abiding citizens?

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