412 on Capps Road

Capps, ArkansasMay 01, 2001

This stop was advertised as a "sobriety check". The county of Boone Arkansas is a "dry" county and folks go to the nearby county to get their alcohol on Friday and many who partake, apparently according to the Highway Patrol, use this route to "sneak" back into Harrison Arkansas. I was asked for my "papers", comrade.

Fortunately my papers were in order and I was allowed after 5 minutes of intrusion into my private affairs to continue. I did ask the officer why he was stopping me and he told me the reason was to check for drunk drivers. I told him after he asked for my papers that I thought he was on a fishing expedition and that I felt like I was driving in Russia or Nazi Germany rather than the so called "free" united States. Anyhow, anyone "sneaking" alcohol back home via Capps-Batavia road should consider an alternate route or be sure that they have avoided consumption if they do travel this route!

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