Coopersburg, Pennsylvania Roadblocks

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passer and rt 309

Coopersburg, PennsylvaniaAug 23, 2013

I just got home after work (nurse 2nd shift) after sitting 1/2 hour on 309 as local and state cops stopped each car going north/south 309. Cops lined up on both sides of your car shining flashlights inside and out. I was asked where I was coming from and the kid, I mean cop asked me why it took so long to get there from Quakertown!? I didnt feel the need to explain to him that my job duties required me to stay late, but he just stared at me, as. I sat there in scrubs expecting an explanation so I politely told him just that. He said ” well then, I wont hold you up any longer, you can go through.” Absolute last thing I wanted to do after a week of work. Would have appreciated a heads up and the ability to take the long way home

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