Abington Township, Pennsylvania Roadblocks

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Easton Road & Susquehanna Road at the Lukoil gas

Abington Township, PennsylvaniaMay 01, 2011

Seems like they stopped about 90% of the cars ..held at the lukoil gas station..easton rd and susquehanna is a very busy intersection.. chase car waits down near the gulf gas station on easton on other side of the tracks..lots of (drunk) people sitting in chairs at lukoil…very frequent in the summertime..basically if traffic stops flowing especially from the easton rd side and feels like your waiting in shore traffic just turn down another street there isnt construction going on..

Rt. 611 S & Susquehanna Rd

Abington Township, PennsylvaniaMar 01, 2003

Weekends. Cattle Chute w/chase car. Southbound only.

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