Wewoka, Oklahoma Roadblocks

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Highway 270 one mile west of Highway 56

Wewoka, OklahomaMar 29, 2016

Started at 21:00. Ends when officers are bored.

U.S 270 Intersection of justice road and U.S 270/hwy 56.

Wewoka, OklahomaJul 23, 2012

Every Friday and Saturday night. They go from 270 and 56 to US 270 and justice road from 10 to after 3. No information givin as to the purpose of the checkpoint. Questions were on the lines of. Where have you been and where are you going. Any drugs, alcohol or firearms. As to my knowledge. No public notice prior to setting up checkpoints. Between 2 and 4 cars on location. City/county patrol. No OHP at the scene so far.

US 270 and Brick plant road.

Wewoka, OklahomaJul 23, 2012

7-24-12 start date. Unknown when the next will occur. Set up by Seminole county sheriffs office. 1A.M at US 270 and brick plant road.
No details as to what kinda checkpoint it was. Because we were not informed.
Asked for registration ect. Where you coming from, where you heading.
Any drugs, alcohol or firearms in the vehicle. Stopped every car and checked them.

Wewoka Lake Park Entrance

Wewoka, OklahomaNov 01, 2008

Showed up during rush hour.

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