Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Roadblocks

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SE 44th and I-35

Oklahoma City, OklahomaSep 12, 2016


Se 44th and Bryant

Oklahoma City, OklahomaMay 07, 2016

Oklahoma county Sheriffs with a large bus, they waved me by but had half dozen cars lined up heading east on 44th and half a dozen lined up on Bryant heading north. Sheriffs had what looked like a podium in the middle of the street with cones directing you towards it. Definitely caught me off guard, with the amount of law inforcement at that intersection..l

S.W. 29th entrance and exit to I-44

Oklahoma City, OklahomaAug 01, 2010

Late night roadblock with most cars being checked.

I-35 and SE 44th street exit

Oklahoma City, OklahomaDec 01, 2009

This roadblock was scheduled to occur on December 12, 2009.

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