Bokoshe, Oklahoma Roadblocks

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Hwy 9 Eastbound in front of Water Dept. Office

Bokoshe, OklahomaJul 06, 2011

Approached Bokoshe going west on Hwy 9 entering the town around 9 pm. Saw roadblock but my friends live three blocks from there so I took a right turn before entering the roadblock.

Two hours later I sent my grandson after cigarettes. He was stopped at 1/4 mile from the roadblock. He was searched and they checked if he had drivers license & insurance form.

He could not find the insurance form in glove box as it was his first time driving this pick up. It was over the sun visor, but he was given a ticket anyway for $284.00. They said it took him to long to find it. They asked him to exit vehicle and began to search the pick up. No reason given.

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