Bowbells, North Dakota Roadblocks

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Northgate, border check before entering Canada

Bowbells, North DakotaAug 14, 2012

We were on our way to Canada in 2008. It was the middle of the day with no traffic. I, my wife, and daughter. We are middle class people with no decals expressing any kind of belligerent attitude. We were in a late model pick-up with a camper. We were directed with street cones to exit to the Border station on the US side. We had not left the US but were stopped. The officer asked where we were headed and I responded “To Canada” at this point he directed us to a secondary area to be searched. He ordered all of us out of the vehicle and then proceeded to separate us from each other to be taken into separate rooms to be questioned and searched. I said I want to be present when you question and search my daughter who was only 13 years old at the time. They verbally resisted and said we have nothing to fear but I insisted and they let my wife accompany my daughter. They made us empty our pockets and asked me how much money I was taking to Canada. I told them. They then asked me to wait outside while they did the same with my wife. I asked one officer why we were being detained and he said it was a training exercise. Then they did a weird thing by asking us to fill out a declaration form asking what we’re bringing back into the country?? I said we haven’t left the country yet to bring anything back in. They got a little nasty and said just fill out the form. This is the form you use when returning to the US to declare the things that you’re bringing back into the country. I had a vietnam vet hat on at the time and I wondered if this set them off. I was told by a friend who is a retired customs agent that if you declare that you’re leaving the country, they then can screw with you. This is the first time I felt violated and the heavy hand of the police state bearing down on otherwise law abiding citizens.

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