Wilmington, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Sanders Rd and Carolina Beach Rd

Wilmington, North CarolinaJun 14, 2014

They were setting up at 11:15 drove through it just before setup.

the zoo on college rd

Wilmington, North CarolinaJun 14, 2014

DWI stops

Eastbound Martin Luther King Parkway

Wilmington, North CarolinaMar 14, 2014

DUI checkpoint eastbound MLK leaving downtown after ILM exit.

Parkway Drive approaching Oleander Drive

Wilmington, North CarolinaMar 03, 2014

Three state troopers were back at this location near Hugh MacRae Park around 10AM on Monday March 3 stopping drivers without probable cause or reasonable suspicion. As usual, they stood in the roadway just out of sight of oncoming drivers, with two patrol cars parked out of sight as well. They were apparently stopping all drivers on Parkway Drive. They love to downplay violating the US & NC constitutions by euphemistically calling it just a “license check” and reminding you the Rehnquist and Roberts courts have taken their side. Gotta love equal mistreatment under the law in the Fourth-Amendment-Free Zone!

Parkway Dr approaching Oleander Dr

Wilmington, North CarolinaOct 17, 2012

Around 10:30 AM on Friday October 12, 2012 I witnessed a two-man license & registration checkpoint operated by the NC Highway Patrol. The checkpoint was located on Parkway Drive near Hugh McRae Park. This street is often used as a shortcut onto Oleander Drive by northbound drivers on College Rd to avoid the congested intersection of College and Oleander. As the street approaches Oleander, it curves sharply into a wooded area making it impossible to see the checkpoint around the bend. To facilitate traffic flow, the troopers did not stop every car. These revenue-generating roadblocks seem most likely to be held on such curvy two-lane roads outside of rush-hour on mild sunny days. Papers please!

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