Statesville, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Barclay Road y & Route 70

Statesville, North CarolinaJun 12, 2014

Road Block started 06-07-14 Saturday they have been there 2 weekends so far – at least 16 policemen on 70 East & 70 West roadblocks on both sides with 2 police chasers one for each direction….

intersection of lindsay farm and old mountian rd

Statesville, North CarolinaJun 08, 2013

Most weekends after 1am dwi testing on spot with drug dogs

Intersection of NC-115 and Midway Rd north of town

Statesville, North CarolinaMay 01, 2008

Checking for everything and pulled over most vehicles.

I-77N at exit 49A

Statesville, North CarolinaSep 01, 2007

State troopers been there the past few weeks during the daytime, right off the exit (49A).

Ostwalt Amity Road

Statesville, North CarolinaAug 01, 2005

This site is repeated sometimes twice in a day. I have gone through this site in the morning by county sherriffs and 4 hrs later the same site by state troopers. I think it is unwarranted for this area of very little traffic and crime. it is a quiet country setting and believe the police do not need to be here as often as they are.

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