Rockingham, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Intersection of Long Dr. Ext. & Mill Rd.

Rockingham, North CarolinaMay 30, 2015

Unconstitutional “roadblock” conducted by the Richmond County Sheriffs Office and the North Carolina Highway Patrol. No prior notification was made public in any venue (radio, newspaper, internet). No signs proceeding the roadblock notifying/cautioning drivers of the coming stop as required. No system in place to conduct the stop in an orderly and safe manner. When called, neither agency could, nor would answer any questions regarding the reason or intent of the roadblock and both became hostile “that I dare question” their ultimate authority to do whatever, whenever, however, and to whoever they please. I made all attempts to alert all local citizens and motorists of the “papers check”. Observed at least 8-10 officers standing around talking instead of using taxpayers money wisely and performing any real duty at that time. More useless, semi-unconstitutional, waste of taxpayer money and resources by The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. What a waste of an elected official.

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