Pinehurst, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Indiana ave

Pinehurst, North CarolinaAug 29, 2014

Coming from Raeford, taking a right off of 211 hwy onto Indiana Ave toward Southern Pines. Right passed curve

15-501 near traffic circle

Pinehurst, North CarolinaJul 11, 2014

10+ police cars, 7 cars pulled over, 2 cops hidden shooting laser band. 4 magistrates on duty tonight, more roadblocks to follow

Blake road & Monticello Drive

Pinehurst, North CarolinaFeb 09, 2013

Violation of 4th Amendment. Demanded to see my license. I never knew these were legal. I just moved to NC and still have a PA drivers license. Had I known about this I would have refused, however my wife was is on-call for the weekend and we had to get home.

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