New Bern, North Carolina Roadblocks

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National Avenue at Court Street

New Bern, North CarolinaOct 18, 2015

When operating this Roadblock is directly in front of the National Cemetery on National Avenue where it intersects with Court Street.

Washington st

New Bern, North CarolinaOct 09, 2013


The off ramp coming off US 70 onto Glenburnie Rd.

New Bern, North CarolinaJun 01, 2012

This roadblock was set up at 5 pm and again at 9 pm on weekdays

The on ramp coming on to US 70

New Bern, North CarolinaJun 01, 2012

The road block was set up in the middle of the day on the on ramp by Walmart coming onto US 70

Simmons St between Neuse Blvd and Oaks Road

New Bern, North CarolinaJul 01, 2010

Set up during rush hour. Most vehicles stopped.

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