Holly Springs, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Bass Lake Rd towards Holly Springs Rd just past Salem Ridge.

Holly Springs, North CarolinaJan 02, 2012

Holly Springs Police Dept. were checking for everything. I got a ticket for DWLR and fictitious tags. They were gonna tow my truck but I managed to talk the cop into letting me call my own tow truck. They were actually not bad cops at all. It could have been a lot worse ya know.

Sunset Lake

Holly Springs, North CarolinaAug 01, 2008

They check only licenses, not checking for sobriety. They are specifically targeting undocumented immigrants. That is Holly Springs police’s MO. They pull over any and all Latinos they see. So if you are not of Latino descent don’t worry they will be super polite. It is racial profiling. Last time I checked I did not live in a police state where I had to give my papers in to prove I am here legally, on a regular basis.

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