Highlands, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Hwy 106 at Blue Valley Overlooks

Highlands, North CarolinaJun 01, 2008

Always on Fridays one way in and one way out of town. checking for illegals. rounding them up an ‘Fridays when they know they get paid. They are rounded up bussed to the Magistrate, fined $170 and released to drive again! The average number is 28 – 35 x $170. Is this legal, moral or fair? This is bullshit to me. These people are working there asses off and sending the money for the most part to their wives and kids in Mexico. Wow! Seems like highway robbery to me. I call it the pirate police. $5100. Not bad for a couple of hours work for a staff or about five people and the magistrate.

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