Gastonia, North Carolina Roadblocks

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us 321 north bound

Gastonia, North CarolinaNov 16, 2015

License checks

Red Bud Rd.

Gastonia, North CarolinaOct 17, 2014

License check on Red Bud Rd. Everyone knows where the sharpest curve is coming up the hill they are posted and have the road completely blocked off! It was at 11:45, we didn’t go through it but for all of you who are planning on driving that way drunk, don’t!!
Red Bud Rd in Gastonia, North Carolina!

At the intersection of cox rd and ozark

Gastonia, North CarolinaOct 11, 2013

I just passed through it at 257 am and there are 3 cop cars that u cannot see until u come over the hill on cox and over the hill on ozark .

Union Rd / 274 (at or around the fire dept)

Gastonia, North CarolinaDec 01, 2007

They set up shop near the fire department around the curve so that cars cannot see them as they are approaching til it’s too late. Generally a license/registration check, but many an innocent motorist (myself included) have been harrassed and inconvenienced by a police department with apparetly not enough motivation to pursue violent criminals.

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