Durham, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Main St. & elm St.

Durham, North CarolinaApr 26, 2016

Licence check

Guess rd hillandale rd

Durham, North CarolinaJul 04, 2015

License check

N. Duke and Morgan St.

Durham, North CarolinaJun 21, 2013

Midnight or so. Lot of flashing blue lights on both sides of the 2 lane street just after the turn off Main St. and before the light at Morgan. Unavoidable and no turnaround possible. The usual question…”where you coming from/where you headed tonight?” etc. I’m a musician and the officer saw my stuff in the back seat and asked “where’d you play tonight?” I told him I did’nt and he did’nt press it. Handed me my stuff back and told me to have a nice night. I’ve only been across this one once, but I’ve been at a local bar on several occassions where the bartender turns the music down and warns people about it, so I’m assuming it’s reasonably often.

Hillsborough Rd. at NC85 exit 108d

Durham, North CarolinaJun 21, 2013

On the bridge between the ramps to NC85. Late night. City police checking licenses. 2 officers in the middle of the road chatting to each other, breaking conversation only to say ‘thanks’ and hand hand back the license. Visible from a distance, easily avoidable and not overly zealous.

East end ave

Durham, North CarolinaSep 09, 2012


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