Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Intersection of Fifty Lakes Road and Eden Road

Boiling Spring Lakes, North CarolinaMar 14, 2014

Typical NAZI style police sheckpoint. Set up so that it is out of sight until you cross over some railroad tracks and right on it. Officer asked for driver’s license bu could not state the law that grants police the authority to conduct such checkpoints. Of course, officer conducted himself totally in authoritarian tone and manner as we are all “crimininal suspects” and he has no obligation to be respectful, polite or courteous. Officer initially refused to reveal his name and badge number but eventually did so only when it was demanded of him. Checkpoint conducted at 1900-1930 time. At least the second time in less than a year that driver’s license checkpoint has been conducted at this location, despite the fact that statute dictates that agencies shall avoid placing checkpoints repeatedly in the same location or proximity.

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