Apex, North Carolina Roadblocks

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Intersection of old raleigh rd/apex peakway

Apex, North CarolinaJan 16, 2015

checking random vehicles for license/registration

Olive Chapel Rd

Apex, North CarolinaOct 28, 2014

Checking license

Dogwood Ridge Subdivision

Apex, North CarolinaJul 10, 2014

Road block checking licenses in subdivision

Laura Duncan Rd near Old Apex Rd

Apex, North CarolinaJan 02, 2012

Apex Police dept. was there in the curve checking licenses. I was suspended so I pulled into a nearby driveway and parked. I rang the bell and explained my situation to the homeowner. He saw my truck was lettered for gutter cleaning and asked how much? I gave him a sweet deal and cleaned his gutters. They were still there when I finished so I just walked through it and went to my grandma’s house nearby. When they left I went back and got the truck. I got out of a ticket, and the nice homeowner got his gutters done for half price.

Apex Peakway at Ten-Ten Rd.

Apex, North CarolinaMay 01, 2011

I was trying to cut through Apex to play Golf. The officers appear to be checking for Drivers License. They had several people lined up on the side who were probably just working & did not have a license.

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