Highland Park, New Jersey Roadblocks

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on River Road, near Harrison Ave intersection

Highland Park, New JerseyDec 03, 2013

Looked like a sobriety checkpoint at first but it was during the am rush hour (~8:45 am). The checkpoint was manned by Police and their largest vehicle (a command center style truck) was adorned with “Motor Vehicle Inspection Unit.” Maybe a dozen or so cars appear to have been pulled aside and organized in the adjacent small parking lot (I believe for the park) on the riverside of river road. Me and the other cars that were around me all seemed to get through after being waved on by an officer (1 officer supervising each direction of traffic). I believe they were targeting cars with outdated inspection stickers. Luckily, I was not expired but – personally – I’d rather they conduct these types of searches in the pm rush hour. Being late to dinner is a headache but being late to work can have professional consequences.

River Rd eastbound (200 yoards to Landing Lane Bridge)

Highland Park, New JerseyMay 01, 2003

Revenue generator for the Boro of Highland Park. Speed trap also on Cedar La approaching River Rd and Woodbridge Ave entering Highland Park from Edison. Be very polite to police. They can be brutal and nasty.

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