Manchester, New Hampshire Roadblocks

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Usually Notre Dame Bridge / Bridge St

Manchester, New HampshireJul 21, 2017

Manchester police usually announce dates of their checkpoints in advance. They are usually set up on the Notre Dame Bridge on Bridge St going Westbound, but not always.

These checkpoints are always protested by activists holding signs warning of the checkpoint. So you can usually avoid them in Manchester.

The next checkpoint in Manchester is scheduled Thursday night July 20th, 2017.

When we find out about checkpoints we post them on a facebook page. “Checkpoint-Free New Hampshire”

Bridge St westbound crossing Merrimack River

Manchester, New HampshireSep 01, 2009

1:30 AM Sunday Sept 13/2009 I admitted I had a few beers(my mistake!). The officer gave me the three standard NHTSA field sobriety tests pen in front of face, walk toe to toe on straight line, and stand on one foot while counding. I passed and the officer told me to go straight home. I don’t know if this is a regular location. A warning sign was set up but it was impossible to avoid without turning into a do not enter bridge off ramp.

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