Eureka, Missouri Roadblocks
Hwy 109 & Legends
There has always been a check point at this location for many years typically on friday nights between 8:00am and 4:00pm. There has not been a check point for many months. The reason I understand is because many people in my community including me have complained to the city. This shows you all how if we unite we can overcome the communist BS that is happining all over the country! I am against drunk driving and people that break the law! But there is a right way and a wrong way of getting offenders!! Check points punish the good and take freedom to be minding your own business. NEXT TIME YOUR STOPED FOR NO REASON OTHER THEN THEM CHECKING WITH NO PROBABLE CAUSE OR REASON OTHER THEN DOING THERE JOB…. SAY THIS………… OFFICER I APRECIATE WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY ON THE JOB KEEPING US ALL SAFE BUT THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY OF GETTING OFFENDERS AND I NEED TO ASK YOU FOR YOUR BUISNESS CARD AND IF YOU DONT HAVE ONE I NEED YOUR FULL NAME. IF HE SAYS WHATS THE REASON…. SAY BECAUSE IM GOING TO MAKE A COMPLAINT TO YOUR LUITENANT AND YOUR CAPTAIN. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU OFFICER ITS ABOUT PEOPLE BEING STOPED FOR NO PROBABLE CAUSE OR JUSTIFABLE REASON OTHER THEN DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD, AND I AND MANYOTHERS HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT. Then call your local police department the next day and ask to speak to the Captain and tell him what I just said and that you consider it unacceptable! And that it needs to stop! And when he says its for your safety then you say I don’t like someone knocking on my door to see if there is any illegal activity going on with no probable reason or cause to check! Tell him to give you his home address so you can randomly knock on his door when his wife and kids or there around 6pm and when they answer the door that you will tell his wife I’m here to see if everything is ok and if there is any illegal activity going on. Tell him I’m sure his wife and himself wouldn’t like that very much if you did that 1 time a month just to check and see if everything is ok. The problem is we need to all stop turning our head and looking the other way and speak our thoughts otherwise ten years down the road it will get worse and they will be doing door to door checkpoints you just wait and see if you don’t believe me.
Hwy 109 at Legends Parkway
This road block is set up once a month usually on Friday evenings starting from 9:00pm till 4:00am for the last 5 years like clock work! The last check point was 6-24-11.
They were checking for insurance, registration, drunk drivers etc. The officer told me they set up once a month after I informed him they are setting up too often and delaying 99% of the people that are doing no wrong and that every time I get stopped in Eureka I’m going to complain to the Chief and the Mayor.
I told him that there is the right way and the wrong way to go about catching offenders and they are doing it the wrong way! Instead paying 6 officers to stay in one area all night they should have them doing regular patrols spread out and stopping the offenders and not every person that drives by!
Wake up people, if we allow this to continue in the future they will be knocking on your door to check and see what you are doing in your home!!! And one more thing: What gives a officer the right to ask if you have had anything to drink tonight, when he has absolutely no reasonable suspicion to ask!
I-44 at Highway 109
They seemed to be checking for vehicle registration, DUI, drugs, and insurance.