Ocean Springs, Mississippi Roadblocks

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Washington Ave

Ocean Springs, MississippiJan 13, 2015

12:00 am on Jan 14, 2015. Ocean Springs Police Department and unsure of the reason but all they checked was drivers license.

highway 57

Ocean Springs, MississippiSep 22, 2014


intersection of Bechtel and Government

Ocean Springs, MississippiDec 07, 2012

Licence/ insurance

Reilly rd.

Ocean Springs, MississippiOct 04, 2012

Don’t know details, it is at the 4-way with CCC Camp Rd. Went through it the other night and they popped us for license and insurance. Didn’t even notice the inspection sticker.

washington avenue and end of north side of fort bayou bridge

Ocean Springs, MississippiJun 30, 2012

several state troopers checking licence and proof of insurance. Did not stop me for expired inspection sticker. Most likely checking for drunk drivers.

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