Our Position On Roadblocks

We oppose the use of roadblocks, period. The only justification for stopping citizens under a roadblock scenario is to warn them of an unseen peril that could cause injury or death to an unsuspecting motorist.

So-called “sobriety check points,” or seat belt checks, or the myriad of other excuses the government concocts to harass and intimidate its citizens through the use of roadblocks are, in our opinion unconstitutional and in direct contradiction to any honest definition of freedom.

A free and open society that champions individual liberty and personal responsibility — the kind of society we try to tell the world the USA represents, cannot condone the arbitrary stopping, interrogating, intimidation and searching of citizens whose only crime is to be peacefully traveling a public highway.

Roadblocks, as used in the US, are designed and intended to use fear, intimidation, and inconvenience to expedite a government edict or a political agenda. They have a net zero influence on public safety. But, even if there were a “safety benefit” related to roadblocks, it would not outweigh the negative totalitarian nature of this practice.

Currently, roadblocks are being used to circumvent the need for probable cause to stop, interrogate, and search the occupants of motor vehicles. The pretense might be a seatbelt check, registration or drivers license verification, proof of insurance, or a “safety” inspection. The short sighted court system has readily approved the practice of using a trumped up pretence to stop a vehicle to provide new opportunities to look for other violations of the law.

Given that it is virtually impossible to do anything in America without violating one or more laws, especially while driving, roadblocks give the police the opportunity to abuse any individual or group they chose to target.

The reincarnated prohibitionist movement has seized upon the roadblock tactic as a means to employ fear in their holy war against “Demon Rum.” Many of the current DWI laws have nothing to do with addressing drunk driving as a safety problem.

This is a campaign to disparage the use of beverages containing alcohol and to undermine the hospitality industry that sells these beverages. (Time for a disclaimer, This site, nor the NMA have any affiliation with the beverage or hospitality industries.)

The proponents of DWI roadblocks readily and publicly admit that the purpose of roadblocks is not to catch drunk drivers (which they seldom do). The purpose is to intimidate and to make people fearful of drinking and driving — no matter how little or responsibly they may do so.

This tactic is aimed directly at people who drink in a responsible manner and who are not over represented in traffic accidents.

The advocates of DWI roadblocks also admit that roadblocks do offer the opportunity to arrest people for drunk driving who would not otherwise be arrested based on their ability to drive safely.

The unreasonable and unscientific blood alcohol standards of .1% or worse yet .08% allow the arrest and conviction as a drunk driver, regardless of actual impairment. This absurdity is expanded by the use of roadblocks.

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