Trigg County, Kentucky Roadblocks

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Land Between The Lakes National Rec Area

Trigg County, KentuckyJun 01, 2011

Roadblock occurred inside a very large public park, on a 2-lane highway that runs north/south through the park. USDA Forest Service law enforcement set up the roadblock at approx 5:00p.m. Friday night, May 20,2011.

There were 4 police, with 4 vehicles, with blue lights flashing. Roadblock was set up at the intersection of a divided 2-lane road that leads to the main office and the law enforcement office. I was able to avoid the roadblock by turning to the North to get to the main highway to go home. I work there. I’m a Forest Service employee.

The Forest Service K9-dog was there with its handler-officer. They had set-up a small, plastic, folding barricade, with a very small sign on it that had the following message: SLOW, Safety Checkpoint Ahead. The sign was placed at the roadblock. I did not see any other warning signs placed any further up the road. This sign was truly small, approx. 10-inches in width.

A couple days later, another employee told me that "they got dope out of that one", when I asked him about the roadblock. I didn’t see the sniffer-dog on the street when I drove by, but the dog handler officer was on scene and was writing a ticket for 2 guys in a convertible corvette. They were headed northbound. A pick-up pulling a horse-trailer was in the roadblock, while headed south.

This is the first time that I’ve seen a roadblock inside this huge national recreation area in southwest Kentucky. These officers take their direction from the Regional law enforcement office in Atlanta or perhaps from the national law enforcement office in Wash. DC.

I doubt if they would have setup the roadblock without private consultation with the so-called leadership team at the park. This is the senior management team of department leaders and the Area Supervisor. The park staff are super-sensitive to public comment, both positive and negative. To date, 6-1-11, I haven’t heard any comments about this event from any other employees. Contact me if you have questions:

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