Suwanee, Kentucky Roadblocks

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Intersection of State Hwy 62 and Highway 810

Suwanee, KentuckyJun 01, 2002

This is a "dry liquor" county (no stores in the county are allowed to sell alcohol) and the ONLY restaurant (Sante Fe Cattle Company) that serves alcohol in this county that I’m aware of sits about 2-3 miles right in between the roadblock locations right off of I-24 exit 40 near the Lake Barkley area.

I have been told that roadblocks have been set up between 2-3 miles of both sides of Interstate 24 off of exit 40 and right outside of Eddyville with the Santa Fe restaurant smack dab in the middle of these draconian Kentucky State Police roadblocks. However, the roadblocks are made just far enough for plausible deniability that they are targeting patrons of the restaurant.

I got pulled over on a Friday night at approximately 11:00-11:30. If you have long hair or don’t look what they consider "civil" or "upper-crust" in their snap judgements, they will ask you to pull over and make you perform a rediculous and ineffective sobriety test as a diversion while the occupants in your vehicle are spot interrogated about their recent drinking, eating and drug consumption.

I was visting from out of state and I have NEVER been subjected to such a process that made me to feel like I’m guilty until proven innocent. All my vehicle paperwork was perfectly in line and I had indeed consumed one quite large and relatively powerful alcoholic beverage prior to meeting the roadblock and they had me pull over (after noticing my long hair) and put me to the sobriety test which I passed with flying colors.

That in itself is evidence of the roadblock’s ineffectiveness, inefficiency and outrageous invasive motive. It is obvious they are specifically targeting ANY patrons leaving the Santa Fe Cattle Company restaurant since it IS the only establishment in the area that serves alcholic beverages.

The KY state police WILL pull anyone over for further questioning or sobriety test who has claimed to have eaten at the Santa Fe. The pisser about this roadblock is that it purposely restricts access to the high dollar residential lakefront properties where most of the people in the immediate area go to eat at the Santa Fe regularly on weekend nights when the roadblocks are set up.

This is not random and it is getting quite out of hand. I will make some calls and see if my local acssociates can mark the road with a large neon orange sign roadblock warning a mile previous to other historic roadblock sites so one may turn around without detection and wait it out at the local convenience stores next to the Santa Fe.

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